Taylor Robertson, front-end web developer, in a black collared shirt against an orange-yellow wall.

About Me

Hello! I am a front-end web developer based out of Burlington, Ontario, and everyday I am trying to help make the internet a nicer place to visit.

Because I believe beauty and clarity are deeply intertwined, I strive to simultaneously make both my webpages and my code intuitive, accessible, flexible, and robust.

When troubleshooting bugs has depleted my brain, I can be found strumming a cranked-up electric guitar or taking nice long walks.


Unit Converter

An app that allows the user to convert measurements of length and time. The convert-units library was used for the conversion functionality.

  • React
  • Material UI logo
The Unit Converter app preview picture: a dropdown to choose a measurement, and then options to choose two units to convert to one another.


This app to allow users to type in the top-three emotions they are feeling at that moment, and then create a pie chart to represent how much of each they are feeling. All pie charts are saved inside a Firebase database in case you ever want to have perspective on how feelings come and go.

  • React
  • CSS
  • npm
  • Firebase logo
The feels app preview picture: the landing page with the title Feels and the question How's It Going?, with a filled-in form underneath.

The Film Factory

Are you curious about watching foreign-language films? With the Film Factory, you’re able to search for an English film you enjoy, and then get recommendations for similar foreign-language films. This app uses the Movie DB API, and saves all movies you intend to watch in Firebase. I designed and developed this with the talented Eyel Mordido, Melissa Ahlstrom, and Robert Duhig.

  • React
  • CSS
  • npm
  • Firebase logo
  • SASS
The Film Factory app preview picture: picture of audience in a dimly lit movie theatre, with title Film Factory featured where movie would normally be playing, and with a button saying Find Your Movie Match.


  • HTML Logo


  • CSS Logo


  • JavaScript Logo


  • jQuery Logo


  • Accessibility Logo


  • SASS logo


  • Terminal Logo


  • Firebase Logo


  • React Logo


  • GitHub Logo


  • GIS Logo


  • npm Logo


  • Gatsby Logo


  • Material UI Logo

    Material UI